Friday, October 8, 2010

United States of Rhys

Friday 8th October USA - 6.45am / Australia 9.45pm
Well it's been a little while since I updated my blog... we are now at Dulles Airport, which is the International Airport in Washington.  We are flying out to Toronto, Canada today.   but first, I should tell you about Las Vegas...

We arrived and checked in to our hotel, Planet Hollywood which was beautiful.  While we were in Vegas we walked through a lot of the hotel/casinos.  My favourite thing about Las Vegas was that I bought my IPod touch at the Apple Store in Caesars Palace.  It was very cool, and the man that we bought it from thought I was clever when I was talking to him about the Ipod and knowing so much about the technology.  We also went to the M&M's store and the Coke Store.  At the M&M's store, there are 4 stories of M&M stuff and we watched a 3D movie called "I Lost my M In Vegas" it was lots of fun.

That night we went to the Human Nature show at the Imperial Palace (thank you to Meghan who organised the tickets through her cousin, Sharryn).  It was fun and we got to meet the boys from Human Nature who signed our CD.  Josh got the drummer's drumsticks, which was also cool.

We got up the next morning and got on a bus which went to Boulder Airport, where we got on a small propeller plane which flew us out to the Grand Canyon.  There, we saw some big black clouds coming over and all of a sudden it started to storm.  We got to see the main part of the canyon but we couldn't do the skywalk which was a bit disappointing.

The next day we flew to Washington.  It was a long flight and I sat next to Mum and tried to sleep but didn't sleep for very long.  We arrived at 6am and got to our hotel and went straight for part of our trolley tour.  That night we slept from 6pm til 9am (we were very tired) and then the next day we went and saw all the important monuments including the White House, the Abraham Lincoln memorial (which was my favourite) and we spent some time at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, which I could have spent all day looking at. 

My favourite thing about Washington was the huge amount of squirrels that we saw running through the city.  They were everywhere !!!  We also heard lots of sirens and saw lots of police cars and fire trucks. 

I will write more from Niagara.

Bye !!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


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Elephant Seal Beach

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United States of Rhys

Day 12 - San Francisco (Friday 8am / Sydney - 1am Saturday)

Hi Everyone, sorry for not writing anything over the past few days we have been very busy.

We have now finished our time in Anaheim and we spent Monday in Disneyland going and riding all our favourite rides. I think we ended up riding Buzz around 7 times in the 3 days at the park. I also went on Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure again. On Tuesday we went to Hollywood. I saw the Hollywood Sign, a man in a bikini, Parris Hilton in a Range Rover and Dad was driving us around Rodeo Drive and yelling out G'day to everyone. It was funny.

Over the last two days we have been driving on the coast road. We stayed at a different Best Western in a place called Pismo Beach. The motel was right on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. It had a great pool which was 9ft deep. Josh and I had a swim on Wednesday night and again Thurdsay morning. We then headed off to San Fran along the Pacific Coast Highway (#1). We visited a little place called Morro Bay and got to feed a couple of seals. We then stopped and looked at the Elephant Seals on one of the beaches. There were hundreds of them, while we were there I got to see my favourite animal the Squirrel (Chip & Dale). They were cool and I was very excited. After that we had to drive the rest of the trip through Big Sur which was very very very very windy and I got sick and had a chuck.

We finally made it to San Fran around 7pm and are now here for a couple of days. Off to tour San Fran today and Alcatraz this afternoon. Talk to you all soon.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

United States of Rhys

Day 6 & 7 - Disneyland

Hi everyone

We have been in Disneyland for the past few days and it has been so busy I have not been able to get onto my blog.

Even though it has been busy I have managed to still ride the Buzz  Lightyear Astro Blaster every day. I have also now been to California Adventure and rode the Bugs Life Bumper Cars, Ladybird Boggie (like the tea cups) and Flick's Flight. I also went on the Indiana Jones Ride with mum and dad. I liked this one.

I got to get my Mickey Ears on Friday they are Halloween ones and Josh got Pirates of the Carribean ones which mum and dad got for us. I also got myself a Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster.

Oh yeah I finally met my favourite characters to yesterday. I met and had photos with Chip and Dale. In the street parade last night we got to play the drums.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

United States of Rhys

Day 4 - Disneyland (USA - Thursday 9pm / Sydney - Friday 2pm)

Today was our first day in Disneyland and it was great. My favourite rides were Space Mountain (a roller coaster inside a mountain which is in the dark) and Buzz Lightyears Astro Blaster which I loved so much I made everyone ride it 3 times. I like it that much we are going to ride it tomorrow and the next day and the next day and maybe even the next day.

A few of the other rides we did are Matterhorn Bobsleds, Peter Pan's Flight, It's A Small World, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Snow Whites Scary Adventure, King Arthur Carrousel, Astro Orbitor, Autopia and the Monorail.

We got to the park at 10am and left at 8pm.Tomorrow we are going back early and going into California Adventure and maybe Buzz Lightyear again.

Tonight I tried something new for dinner it was Wetzle's Pretzel and I had a Hot Dog wrapped in a pretzel. It was yummy.

Anyway got to go to bed now so I will talk to you later.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

United States of Rhys

Day 2 & 3 - Universal Studios & San Diego Sea World

Universal Studios was lots of fun !! we did the back lot tour and it was a bit scary in the King Kong 3D part.  I liked the Simpsons Ride the best, and I bought a Homer toy to bring home with me.

San Diego Sea World was today, we saw lots of shows (Shamu, Petz Rule, Blue Horizons and the Sea Lion show) and lots of animals.  We patted and fed some Bat Rays which felt really cool.  We saw Eels, Polar Bears, Killer Whales and Beluga Whales.  We finished off the day with the Shamu Show and then we went to the souvenir shop but didn't buy anything.

Disneyland tomorrow......

bye !!

Monday, September 20, 2010

United States of Rhys

Day 1

We left Sydney yesterday on our 13 hrs flight to LA. I was a really good boy on the plane having a couple of sleeps but not really enjoying the food.

I was really impatient waiting for our bags which took about half an hour then we had to wait for the shuttle which seem to take ages.

We are now having lunch and you guessed it we are having Macca's.

Off to Universal tomorrow and will let you know how that is latter.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My First Blog

Hi everyone this is my first blog. You will be able to follow my trip around the USA with my daily blogs