Friday, October 1, 2010

United States of Rhys

Day 12 - San Francisco (Friday 8am / Sydney - 1am Saturday)

Hi Everyone, sorry for not writing anything over the past few days we have been very busy.

We have now finished our time in Anaheim and we spent Monday in Disneyland going and riding all our favourite rides. I think we ended up riding Buzz around 7 times in the 3 days at the park. I also went on Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure again. On Tuesday we went to Hollywood. I saw the Hollywood Sign, a man in a bikini, Parris Hilton in a Range Rover and Dad was driving us around Rodeo Drive and yelling out G'day to everyone. It was funny.

Over the last two days we have been driving on the coast road. We stayed at a different Best Western in a place called Pismo Beach. The motel was right on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. It had a great pool which was 9ft deep. Josh and I had a swim on Wednesday night and again Thurdsay morning. We then headed off to San Fran along the Pacific Coast Highway (#1). We visited a little place called Morro Bay and got to feed a couple of seals. We then stopped and looked at the Elephant Seals on one of the beaches. There were hundreds of them, while we were there I got to see my favourite animal the Squirrel (Chip & Dale). They were cool and I was very excited. After that we had to drive the rest of the trip through Big Sur which was very very very very windy and I got sick and had a chuck.

We finally made it to San Fran around 7pm and are now here for a couple of days. Off to tour San Fran today and Alcatraz this afternoon. Talk to you all soon.

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